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FALLOUT SHELTER by Victor Langer and Walter Thomas illustrated by Brent. Richardson
It’s not the end of the world! Nuclear war can be fun & games! Just because you may be surrounded by destruction, doesn’t mean you can’t be creative. The Nuclear War Fun Book delivers a whopping payload of radioactivities. There’s something for every interest. Have megatons of fun with things to make, to do, and to play, for ages 3 to adult. Kill boredom, keep busy, and keep your mind off the apocalypse. Mark the Mutant Radiation can cause mutation. See if you can spot the specimen with subtle differences from the rest. Г1 Ьги Connect the Craters One crater leads to another. Get the picture? a ea£ c 0 e * а о«" о * i ? в » & _ О * <&*» л о _ О .о.**» л *4 '¿Г Radioactive Tag You're it! Fallout has fallen on you! Try to catch and contaminate others. Body Count Practice your math in the aftermath. Count on plenty ofhodies lying around. See what it all adds up to? An Owl Book ü—¿FPT »«-*15 Humor ISBN 0-йЗ-0ЬЗЭТЬ-Ь Ret: 1182:000570:25
About This Book The Nuclear War Fun Book delivers a whopping payload of radioactivities. There’s something for every interest. Have megatons of fun with things to make, to do, and to play, for ages 3 to adult. Kill boredom, keep busy, and keep your mind off the apocalypse. These are mostly postwar activities, but some prewar ones have been included too, so you can start having fun right now. You don’t have to wait until doomsday. Some activities are for indoors, in the fallout shelter; and some are for outdoors, when the radiation level is low. , Some are easy, and some are harder. If anything dangerous is involved—such as radioactive materials—ask an adult first to see if it’s ok.
History Mystery Quiz The opening of the nuclear era is the most recent and fateful chapter in the history books. Test yourself and see how well you know your nuclear history. 1. Who is called "the father of the H-bomb”? □ A. Rodney Dangerfield G B. Lee Iacocca Q C. Madame Curie G D. Mr. Coffee □ E. Edward Teller 2. What was the Manhattan Project? □ A. A drinkathon □ B. A low income housing complex □ C. Code name for the project to build the first nuclear bomb □ D. The first real estate scheme in the new world, involving Indians and colored beads G E. A city plan to eliminate dog waste on sidewalks 3. Einstein’s famous formula E = me2 was the theoretical basis for the development of nuclear weapons. In this equation, what does the "c” stand for? G A. Vitamin C □ B. Cocaine G C. The speed of light G D. The speed of cellulite GE. Calories
Paper Doll Nuclear Wardrobe After a nuclear war the material world may be in shreds. But you can still play dress-up with these cutout dolls, and pretend you’re restoring the torn fabric of society. Here’s a nuclear wardrobe for the entire nuclear family: from bunker wear for shut-ins, to radio-active wear for those who dare to go out; from daytime dressing to get you through doomsday, to intimate apparel for nuclear nightmare wear. During the aftermath you can live alter a fashion, and then go out in style. Mom Dad You Moving Picture #7 Time Elapsed: 2 second Detonation. A brilliant flash low in the sky. Family members glance reflexively to see what it is- All receive severe retinal burns and are permanently blinded. The Don’t Sweat-er Keep your cool during the thermal wave. Built-in heat shields keep you dry all doomsday. Correct anytime. You can wear this asbestos pullover until it’s all over. Blast Blazer Classic designer styling. Affords you protection during the blast wave. Fashionable fissionable material. Thermonuclear Underwear Bundle up when the heats off. A paranoia parasol to keep fallout from falling on you and your allies. Trenchcoat The perfect coat for the hastily improvised fallout shelter. Yucca Flats For good traction on rubble. National Security Blanket Not just for kids. A comfort for all family members during the trauma. When It’s Overall” The overall for when the overkill is all over. Bodybag Dress For the full figure (in over your head). Half-life sizes available. Coated nylon keeps odors in. Fallout Fall A phony pony tail i for Mom. to com- , pensate for hair fallout from radiation sickness. Blast Chaps Shrapnel resistant pant shields. Go with a Western outfit, for a last look of Western civilization. Wear over mutant jeans. Lead Nursing Bra To prevent contamination of Mother's milk by radiation. Fission Net Stockings Think Tank Top The intelligent alternative to nuclear wear. BjD
Fallout Shelter Library It’s not so bad having to go to your room, as long as you have plenty of entertainment. Get ready for a long siege, with tall stockpiles of books and video cassettes. Books are a good shielding material against radiation, but you can also read them. Here’s a good chance to catch up on your reading; you’ll have plenty of time. Expand your horizons even though your world has shrunk. Don’t go outside—better well-read than dead. When you’ve had all the reading you can take and need some escapism, play video cassettes of movies. Here are some suggested selections to start off your library: ( i Paradise Lost The Inferno Gone with the Wind j[ Coma ^ Moby Nuke 1984 Brave New World Ragtime Grim Fairy Tale~ Death of a Salesman ( After the Fall Apocalypse Now Some Like it Hot The Wizard of Ozone From Russia with Love Reds The Russians are Coming How the West was Won f Abbott and Hoiocaustello 1 Night ot the Living Dead Live and Let Die Í Darkness at Noon wyi Nukes of Hazard -( We the Living Cries and Whispers — Cinderella Rosemary's Baby \///^\ Lost Horizon The Way We Were Stockpile of Books Stockpile of Video Cassettes of Movies
Fallout Shelter Pharmacy Now, while you’re still in one piece, stockpile your shelter with all the health care items you’ll need in the aftermath, so you’ll have something to fall back on when the fallout starts falling down. Don’t scrimp. There won’t be any drugstores or doctors later on. First aid may be your last aid. You can’t treat nuclear war with just a couple of aspirin. Include all your favorite brands: H-Balm For hemorrhoids in the aftermath. Relieves unthinkable pain and itch. Sit it out in comfort. Warhead Plus* An effective shampoo for dandruff flake fallout, and falling hair due to radiation. Underarmageddon' A fail-safe underarm deodorant, for when the heat’s really on. Anti-wetness, anti-stain, and anti-war. ICBM8 Laxative A powerful, fast-acting arsenal that wipes out hard targets. Milk of Amnesia* A gentle laxative for the aftermath. Try to forget about irregularity for ever after. Nozone® A postwar sun block for noses. So when the ozone gets blown away, your nose doesn’t get blown away by ultraviolet radiation. Apocalip-Balm For ulceration of the lips due to radiation. Megadent® A superpower denture adhesive. Don’t lose your dentures during the blast. Holds tight, even at ground zero. Early Warning® Mouthwash Gives others the signal that you are about to offend. Red Alert* Stimulant Don’t fall asleep on the job. Keep watch for the enemy. Nuclear Sub Gum® The brand the crew chew in nuclear subs, to ease tension in the deep. Won’t stick to dental work. First Strike® Junior Tampon (For girls, age 11 to 13.) A gentle junior tampon to absorb a first strike. With clever "cruise missile” inserter. FIRST® STRIKE /°\ Tampon j Absorbs a First Strike /
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А как оценивать всякие библеи, где речь об аде после смерти. Ведь помрет-то каждый без исключения.