Тебя в РФ должно заботить только соблюдение требований правил дорожного движения. И тогда тема гаишников вообще не прозвучит в твоём путешествии. Главное не забудь вернуться в Казахстан. Тут и так очень тесно от желающих приобщиться к нашему пиздецу после райских кущ их родины.
Я не за себя волнуюсь, а за тебя. Когда чувак из каких-то мрачных ебеней (очередной пост-советской республики) едет в Россию и такой "Ой как мне страшно к вам ехать! У вас ведь такой пиздец творится!" Такому человеку лучше не приезжать. Потому что он ёбнутый.
I insist on that the use of third-party cheat software is detrimental to an online game community since a deliberate third-party cheat software user is having much more fun and joy while playing Fallout 76 than any other players. Thus it's unfair! All players must suffer bugs, lags and graphic glitches on equal basis with no exceptions so ever. They'd paid for this! And if anibody escape in-game suffering and psychic trauma via using any third party software it must be considered as felony against his or her comrade players.
Dear Bethesda!
I insist on that the use of third-party cheat software is detrimental to an online game community since a deliberate third-party cheat software user is having much more fun and joy while playing Fallout 76 than any other players. Thus it's unfair! All players must suffer bugs, lags and graphic glitches on equal basis with no exceptions so ever. They'd paid for this! And if anibody escape in-game suffering and psychic trauma via using any third party software it must be considered as felony against his or her comrade players.